Food Institute, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu road 19C-413, Kaunas, Lithuania
Food Technology Department, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Bijunu street 10-223, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Na Sádkách 1780, 370 05, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Ron Ratiu street 5-7, Sibiu, Romania
Submission date: 2020-11-20
Final revision date: 2021-01-12
Acceptance date: 2021-01-26
Online publication date: 2021-02-12
Publication date: 2021-02-12
Corresponding author
Vijole Bradauskiene
Food Institute, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu road 19, 50254, Kaunas, Lithuania
Due to the increasing incidence of gluten intolerance, researchers are focusing on finding ways to eliminate immunotoxicity of wheat, this would allow the use of wheat products for gluten-intolerant consumers. The article reviews recent studies on biotechnological methods to eliminate and reduce the immunogenicity of wheat products. So far, many gluten removal methods have been proposed, but their efficacy levels were quite different. Enzymatic treatment of gluten fragments can be considered the simplest and non-invasive tool to eliminate the toxicity of gliadins and glutenins. For this purpose, various endogenous enzymes derived from cereals, and also those of bacterial, fungal, plant, and animal origin can be used in food processing. Some of the enzymes hydrolyze gluten, others block the action of toxic protein fragments. The majority of studies were carried out using lactic acid bacteria cultures, as single strains or in consortia. Satisfactory results have been achieved using bacterial and plant enzymes, but the complete elimination of gluten immunogenicity is still possible by using fungal proteases, engineered enzymes or combining several treatments, for example, by using lactic acid fermentation or germination with fungal proteases. However, the question of how degradation of gluten affects the quality of flour (dough) in practice remains unanswered. It is not clear whether the products of such wheat flour are better and safer than those made from starches and whether their price and quality are acceptable to consumers. The insights presented in this review will be helpful to other researchers and cereal-based food producers in choosing ways to reduce gluten immunogenicity.
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Safety Assessment of Foods and Drinks Consumed by People on a Gluten-Free Diet Anna Przybylska, Agnieszka Chrustek, Beata Sperkowska, Marcin Koba, Dorota Olszewska-Słonina Molecules
The Efficacy of Plant Enzymes Bromelain and Papain as a Tool for Reducing Gluten Immunogenicity from Wheat Bran Vijole Bradauskiene, Lina Vaiciulyte-Funk, Darius Cernauskas, Reda Dzingeleviciene, Joao Lima, Aida Bradauskaite, Mihaela Tita Processes
Characterization of the recombinant PepX peptidase from Lactobacillus fermentum and its effect on gliadin protein hydrolysis in vitro Laya Heydari, Rouha Kermanshahi, Sara Gharavi, Zahra Moosavi-Nejad Biologia
Human small-intestinal gluten-degrading bacteria and its potential implication in celiac disease Sahabram Dewala, Rahul Bodkhe, Yogesh Nimonkar, Om Prakash, Vineet Ahuja, Govind Makharia, Yogesh Shouche Journal of Biosciences
Production of low-alcoholic and low-gluten beer: physicochemical properties and volatile compounds Leda Noele Burdzaki, Gabriela Müller, Roger Wagner, Junior Mendes Furlan, Voltaire Sant’Anna, Lilian Hickert Brazilian Journal of Food Technology
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