Original contributions relevant to food and nutrition sciences are accepted on the understanding that the material is not considered for publication elsewhere.
All papers should be submitted and will be processed electronically via Editorial System (available from PJFNS web site: On submission, a corresponding author will be asked to provide: Cover letter; Files with Manuscripts, Tables, Figures/Photos; and Names of two potential reviewers (one from the author’s homeland – but outside author’s Institution, and the other from abroad). All papers which have been qualified as relevant with the scope of our Journal are reviewed. All contributions, except the invited reviews are charged. Authors should not expect royalties. Paper will normally be published in order of acceptance by the Editors, although this may occasionally be changed for reasons of space, or to publish more quickly particular paper which the Editors consider of topical interest. Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author or to the first author and should be returned within one week since receipt. No new material may be inserted in the text at proof stage. It is the author’s duty to proofread proofs for errors.
Authors should very carefully consider the preparation of papers to ensure that they communicate efficiently, because it permits the reader to gain the greatest return for the time invested in reading. Thus, we are more likely to accept those that are carefully designed and conform the instruction. Otherwise, papers will be returned to the author(s) for correction.
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences uses CrossCheck's iThenticate software to detect instances of similarity in submitted manuscripts. In publishing only original research, PJFNS is committed to deterring plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Your manuscript may be screened for similarity to published materials.
The Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences publishes original, basic and applied papers, reviews and short communications on fundamental and applied food research in the following Sections:
Food Technology:
Innovative technology of food development including biotechnological and microbiological aspects
Effects of processing on food composition and nutritional value
Food Chemistry:
Bioactive constituents of foods
Chemistry relating to major and minor components of food
Analytical methods
Food Quality and Functionality:
Sensory methodologies
Functional properties of food
Food physics
Quality, storage and safety of food
Nutritional Research Section:
Nutritional studies relating to major and minor components of food (excluding works related to questionnaire
“News” section:
Announcements of congresses
Out of the scope of the journal are:
Contribution which are not of international interest or do not have a substantial impact on food sciences
Submission which comprise merely data collections, based on the use of routine analytical or bacteriological
Nutritional questionnaire surveys
Review process
All scientific contributions will be peer-reviewed on the criteria of originality and quality. Submitted manuscripts will be pre-evaluated by Editor-in-Chief and Statistical Editor (except for review articles), and when meeting PJFNS’ scope and formal requirements, they will be sent to a section Editor who upon positive pre-evaluation will assign at least two reviewers from Advisory Board Members, reviewers suggested by the author or other experts in the filed. Based on the reviews achieved, Section Editor and Editor-in-Chief will make a decision on whether a manuscript will be accepted for publication, sent back to the corresponding author for revision, or rejected. Once a manuscript is sent back to the corresponding author for revision, all points of the reviews should be answered or rebuttal should be provided in the Explanation letter. The revised manuscripts will be checked by Section Editor and by the original reviewers (if necessary), and a final decision will be made on acceptance or rejection by both Section Editor and Editor-in-Chief.
Types of contributions
Reviews: (at least: 30 pages and 70 references) these are critical and conclusive accounts on trends in food and nutrition sciences.;
Original papers: (maximally: 30 pages and 40 references) these are reports of substantial research;
Others: Conference annoucements and letters to the Editor (all up to three pages).
Authorship form
Referring to Authorship Responsibility and Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure, License to Publish, are required for all authors, i.e.
Authorship Responsibility and
Acknowledgement: Everyone who has made substantial intellectual contributions to the study on which the article is based (for example, to the research question, design, analysis, interpretation, and written description) should be an author. It is dishonest to omit mention of someone who has participated in writing the manuscript (“ghost authorship”) and unfair to omit investigator who have had important engagement with other aspects of the work. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an Acknowledgments section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chairperson who provided only general support. Any financial and material support should also be acknowledged.
Conflict of Interest and
Financial Disclosure: Authors are responsible for disclosing financial support from the industry or other conflicts of interest that might bias the interpretation of results.
License to Publish: All articles published on the website of Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences are available in the Open Access format, meaning they are freely accessible online without charge to anyone, anywhere.
Since volume 75, Authors publish their works under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0). Pursuant to the License terms, Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. The License permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction, provided that the original work is cited. The specific license terms of use are available on
In volumes 64–74, Authors published their works under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Licenses (CC BY-NC-ND) 3.0 and 4.0, pursuant to which they retained the copyright, and other proprietary rights relating to the article, such as patent rights, to use the substance of the article in future own works, including lectures and books, to reproduce the article for own purposes, provided the copies are not intended for commercial re-use or for share of the adapted and derivative versions. The specific license terms of use are available on and
In earlier volumes (47–63), Authors published their works under Copyright Transfer License, pursuant to which they retained the right to revise, adapt, prepare derivative works, present orally, or distribute the work provided that all such use was for the personal noncommercial benefit of the author(s) and was consistent with any prior contractual agreement between the publisher and authors.
A manuscript will not be published once the original, signed form of the License has not been submitted to the Editor with the manuscript revised after positive reviews. The form may be downloaded
Changes to authorship
Authors are expected to consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission. Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the journal Editor. To request such a change, the Editor must receive the following from the corresponding author: (a) the reason for the change in author list and (b) written confirmation (e-mail, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed.
Ethical approval of studies and informed consent
For all manuscripts reporting data from studies involving human participants or animals, formal approval by an appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee is required and should be described in the Methods section. For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki should be followed. For investigations of humans, state in the Methods section the manner in which informed consent was obtained from the study participants (i.e., oral or written). Editors may request that authors provide documentation of the formal review and recommendation from the institutional review board or ethics committee responsible for oversight of the study.
Unauthorized use and copyright agreement
Published manuscripts become the property of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IAR&FR PAS) and may not be published elsewhere without written permission. Unauthorized use of the PJFNS name, logo, or any content for commercial purposes or to promote commercial goods and services (in any format, including print, video, audio, and digital) is not permitted by IAR&FR PAS.
A manuscript in English must be single-sided, preferably in TimesNewRoman (12) with 1.5-point spacing. The Editor reserves the right to make literary corrections and to make suggestions to improve brevity. English is the official language. The English version of the paper will be checked by Language Editor. Unclear and unintelligible version will be sent to the author(s) for correction.
Every paper should be divided under the following headings in this order: a
Title (possibly below 150 spaces),
Running title (up to 50 spaces, submitted under the Title); the Names(s) of the author(s) in full. In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence and inquiries should be addressed, otherwise the first author is considered for the correspondence. Current full postal address of the indicated corresponding author or the first author must be given in a footnote on the title page; the Place(s) where the work was done including the institution name, city, country if not Poland. In papers originated from several institutions the names of the authors should be marked with respective superscripts; the
Key words (up to 6 words or phrases) for the main topics of the paper; an
Abstract (up to 250 words for regular papers and reviews) summarizing briefly main results of the paper, no literature references;
List of acronyms (abbreviations) used in the text when there are many of these; an
Introduction giving essential background by saying why the research is important, how it relates to previous works and stating clearly the objectives at the end;
Materials and Methods with sufficient experimental details permitting to repeat or extend the experiments. Literature references to the methods, sources of material, company names and location (city, country) for specific instruments must be given. Describe how the data were evaluated, including selection criteria used;
Results and Discussion presented together (in one chapter). Results should be presented concisely and organized to supplement, but not repeat, data in tables and figures. Do not display the data in both tabular and graphic form. Use narrative form to present the data for which tables or figures are unnecessary. Results should be discussed by comparison with finding of other authors and by indicating the implications and consequences, not merely recapitulating the results, and it must be accomplished with concise
Conclusions; Acknowledgements should be made to persons who do not fill the authorship criteria (see: Authorship forms). Financial and material support should be stated in
Reserch funding, and additional statement should be provied regarding
Conflict of interests.
References as shown below.
Abbreviations and units
Abbreviations should only be used when long or unwieldy names occur frequently, and never in the title; they should be given at the first mention of the name. Metric SI units should be used. The capital letter L should be used for liters. Avoid the use of percentages (% g/g,% w/w; Mol-%; vol-%;), ppm, ppb. Instead, the expression such as g/kg, g/L, mg/kg, mg/mL should be used. A space must be left between a number and a symbol (e.g. 50 mL not 50mL). A small x must be used as multiplication sign between numeric values (e.g. 5 × 10
2 g/mL). Statistics and measurements should be given in figures, except when the number begins a sentence. Chemical formulae and solutions must specify the form used. Chemical abbreviations, unless they are internationally known, Greek symbols and unusual symbols for the first time should be defined by name in the left margin. Common species names should be followed by the Latin at the first mention, with contracting it to a single letter or word for subsequent use.
Should be submitted in separate files. They should be comprehensible without reference to the text. Maximum size 20 x 28 cm. If submitting chromatograms, please have them redrawn. Lettering: typed lettering not acceptable, should not appear on the figure but in the figure legend and should be uniform between figures. Three-dimensional graphs should only be used to illustrate real 3-D relationships. Start the scale of axes and bars or columns at zero, do not interrupt them or omit missing data on them. Figures must be cited in Arabic numbers in the text. Self-explanatory legend to all figures should be provided on the last pages of the manuscript under the heading “Legends to figures”. Electronic versions of Figures submitted with the manuscript should contain a link to data, so that they can be edited.
Should be submitted in separate files. They should be as few in number and as simple as possible (like figures, they are expensive and space consuming), and include only essential data with appropriate statistical values. Each must have an Arabic number, and a self-explanatory caption.
In the text, they should be provided as A = B/(C–D), unless they are more complicated.
Each must be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper in the form as follows and the list should be numbered:
Periodicals – names and initials of all the authors, year of publication, title of the paper, full journal title, volume, issue, inclusive page numbers (titles of papers published in Polish must be translated into English; see example below);
Books – names and initials of all the authors, name’s of editors, year of publication, publishing company, place of publication, inclusive page numbers;
Patents – the name of the application, the title, the country, patent number or application number, the year of publication.
For papers published in language other than English, the original language with a note whether the paper contains English abstract should be given in parentheses at the end.
The reference list should only include peer-reviewed works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication.
References in the text must be cited by name and year in square parentheses,e.g.: one author – [Tokarz, 1994]; two authors – [Słonimski & Campbell, 1987]; more than two authors – [Amarowicz
et al., 1994]. If more than one paper is published in the same year by the same author or group of authors use [Tokarz, 1994a, b].
Article in a journal:
Słonimski, B.A., Campbell, L.D., Batista, E., Howard, B. (2008). Gas chromatographic determination of indole glucosinolates.
Journal of Science and Food Agriculture, 40(5), 131–143.
Weber, W., Ashton, L., Milton, C. (2012).
Antioxidants - Friends or Foes? 2nd editition. PBD Publishing, Birmingham, UK. pp. 218-223.
Chapter in a book:
Uden, C., Gambino, A., Lamar, K. (2016). Gas chromatography. In M. Queresi, W. Bolton (Eds.),
CRC Handbook of Chromatography, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 44–46.
Publication fee
Since 16th December 2024, a standard publication fee has been established at the rate of 500 EUR (plus VAT if applicable, e.g. for private persons). For Polish Authors an equivalent fee was set at 1950 PLN +23%VAT. The fee applies irrespective of the number of pages and tables/figures in the manuscript. Payment instructions will be sent to Authors via e-mail with acceptance letter.
Information on publishing and subscription is available from:
Ms. Joanna Molga
Editorial Office of Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci.
Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research
Trylińskego 18 Str., 10-683 Olsztyn, Poland