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Publication date: 2007-12-31
Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci. 2007;57(Special issue 4B):329-332
In food products manufacturing it is important that food quality and safety requirements are met with respect to the nutritive value of the finished product available on the market. A major ingredient affecting the nutritional value of meat products is protein content of the connective tissue. Collagen, being a major ingredient of the connective tissue, is of low value and its excess must be declared separately in the list of ingredients. The purpose of the present study was to determine the content of the connective tissue protein in some meat products, i.e. hot dog sausages and smoked pork loin made by 6 manufacturers. The results of the study show that total protein and collagen content of the product bearing the same name, but manufactured in different places, varied. As has been found, only a few manufacturers make a product containing more than 25% of the connective tissue protein, so they must ensure that collagen content is included in the list of ingredients, shown on the product label. All the batches under investigation exhibited uniform total protein content, but great differences in collagen content were found, which accounts for the fact that the ingredients used in the recipes varied, depending on the manufacturing company.