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Effect of Red Wine Consumption on Serum Oxidation and Adiponectin Levels in Overweight and Healthy Individuals
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Publication date: 2014-09-30
Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci. 2014;64(3):201-207
Obesity is a well-known independent risk factor for CVD and metabolic syndrome. It has been shown that moderate red wine consumption might reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aim of this work was to study whether red wine has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effect in overweight subjects. Ten overweight and 14 healthy subjects drank 200 mL/day of red wine during a 1 month period. While the Cabernet Sauvignon wine caused a significant increase in paraoxonase activity (p<0.05), it led to a decrease in basal and stimulated LDL diene levels in both of the groups (p<0.05). Total antioxidant activity increased in the two groups following wine consumption. While wine consumption has no effect on IL-6, TNF-α and CRP levels of overweight subjects, it led to increase in adiponectin levels. Current data consider that regular red wine consumption may be beneficial to improve the antioxidant potential of LDL oxidation in overweight patients. In addition to the prevention of LDL oxidation, moderate wine consumption might delay the onset of atherosclerosis through an increase in paraoxonase and adiponectin levels.
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