Effects of Anthocyanin-Rich Popping Maize Flour on the Phenolic Profile and the Antioxidant Capacity of Mix-Bread and Its Physical and Sensory Properties
In this study, the effect of anthocyanin-rich popping maize flour on phenolic profile, antioxidant capacity and color of bread was investigated. Texture and sensory properties of maize mix-breads were evaluated as well. Replacing 30% of wheat flour with blue- and dark-red-seeded maize flours increased the content of total phenolic compounds, ferulic and p-coumaric acids of mix-breads compared to the control bread. In addition, anthocyanins from maize flours improved the functional profile of breads. Despite thermal degradation, the content of anthocyanins in crumb of blue and dark-red maize mix-breads was high and amounted to 142.3 mg CGE/kg and 84.4 mg CGE/kg, respectively. In its acylated and non-acylated forms, cyanidin 3-glucoside was the most prevalent anthocyanin in maize mix-breads. However, given to the synergistic and antagonistic interaction that arises from the coexistence of numerous antioxidant compounds in food, anthocyanin-rich maize flour had no effect on the increase in the bread antioxidant capacity.
Anthocyanin-rich maize flour changed the bread crumb color to a red range. Although maize mix-breads had worse textural properties compared to the wheat bread, their sensory quality was improved.
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